Welcome to our Instructor Info page. It is easy to access. Simply add the following to our website URL - www.commsailpistakee.org/instructors. You can even bookmark it! We will use this page to keep you up-to-date with such things as our Staff Calendar, news bulletins and useful resources. Please check back often. We also invite you to submit requests for any additional content you would like to see. Thanks! :)
INSTRUCTOR SELF-REFLECTION SURVEY - Please complete the online SURVEY as a part of your annual self-reflection as an effective instructor.
TEACHING AND COACHING FUNDAMENTALS ONLINE - This online US Sailing course is a prerequisite for certification of other US Sailing courses. It gives you the building blocks of good instructional practices to become an effective educator on and off the water. There is a small registration fee. Click here to take the course.
STEM ACTIVITIES - INFO & MATERIALS - Please check out the various STEM materials available for your use on those rainy days. You will be glad you did!
USING A MONITOR FOR CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION - Please check out the various online sites that can be used to create fun and engaging activities that can be done using a monitor for classroom instruction. Click here to access the handout with details about each site.
- The season starts on Tuesday, May 28th with our INSTRUCTOR TRAINING DAY.
- Please plan to attend the CPR / FIRST AID / AED course on Saturday, June 1st.
- All employees must complete an IRS Form W-4 prior to being paid. Please click here to download a copy. You can fill out the PDF by clicking on each box in the document. You can then email the completed form to our Program Director.
- All instructors are required to have an up-to-date US Sailing SafeSport certification before the start of the season. It is a free course. Registration details can be found here.
- All instructors are required to have an up-to-date Safe Boating certification before the start of the season. It can be done in person or online. Click here to register for the online course.
- All instructors are required to have an up-to-date CPR / FirstAid / AED certification before the start of the season. You can do it on your own, or as a part of our annual instructor refresher class.
- All instructors are encouraged to achieve their US Sailing Level 1 Small Boat Instructor certification. It is a two-part process, online and in person. Click here for more information, or to register for the course. Funds are available to help offset the course fees. PLEASE NOTE, EARLY COURSE REGISTRATION IS ESSENTIAL!
Updated 5/14/24
Updated 5/14/24
Welcome to the 2024 sailing season! We are very excited to have you aboard. In order to help you with your planning and preparation for a fun and hopefully rewarding season, we have scheduled a variety of events and workshops for your benefit. We encourage you to take advantage of them. There are also certain requirements that you need to have in order prior to the start of the season. Be sure to take care of all necessary certifications by registering for them and completing them asap! Remember, we are here to support you. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have. Thank you for being an integral part of the Community Sailing School @ Pistakee!
- US Sailing Small Boat Level 1 Instructor Certification - The course is divided into two sections - online and in-person. You need to register for the online course before you can register for the in-person course. Details on the registration process and course info can be found here. Please let us know if you have any questions.
MARCH 2024
- Illinois Safe Boating Certification - All instructors are required to be up-to-date with their certification. If it will expire before the start of the season, please complete a safe boating course before the start of the season. It can be done in person or online. Click here for registration info. Don’t procrastinate!
- US Sailing SafeSport Certification - All instructors are required to be up-to-date with their certification. If it will expire before the start of the season, please complete the online SafeSport class. It is a free course. Registration details can be found here.
APRIL 2024
- PYC Lift In Day - Saturday, April 20th (Rain date April 27th) - We will be on site for the general opening of the Pistakee Yacht Club. Sailing school tasks will include helping with the clubhouse seasonal opening by cleaning and organizing our storage room and classroom space, the inspection of our boats, sails and equipment to determine their condition. We also plan to begin with some initial boat rigging activities, including with some of our new fleet additions.
MAY 2024
- Staff Training Day - Tuesday, May 28th, 8:00am - 4:00pm - All instructors are required to participate in our Staff Training Day. We will cover a variety of topics, including professional behavior, teaching tips, safety protocols, chalk talks, lesson activities, skiff and jet ski operations, final facility preparations, equipment checks and celebrating the start of our season.
- Racing Rules & Skills Course - Wednesday, May 29th, 9:00am - 4:00pm - This is a one-day course. It will be repeated on Wednesday, July 3rd.
- Sailing + STEM Course - Thursday, May 30th, 9:00am - 4:00pm - This is a one-day course. It will be repeated on Tuesday, July 2nd.
- Cortney's Sailing Corner - Friday, May 31st, 9:00am - 4:00pm - This is a one-day event. It will be repeated on Monday, July 1st. Cortney's Sailing Corner is designed for those individuals who are ready to be part of a group experience, where they can make new friends, or need financial help to enjoy a free day of sailing. Eligible participants apply for a grant to see if they qualify. Please let us know if you are interested in volunteering your time toward this worthwhile cause.
JUNE 2024
- CPR / First Aid / AED Certification - Saturday, June 1, 2024, 8:30am - 3:30pm - All instructors are required to be up-to-date with their certification. If it will expire before the start of the season, please get certified. We will be offering the course on CPR / First Aid / AED use for your benefit. You will receive your certification upon completion of the course. Please contact us if you plan to take the course.
JULY 2024
- Mid-Season Review and Reflection
- Cortney's Sailing Corner - Monday, July 1st, 9:00am - 4:00pm - This is a one-day event. It is the same course that was offered on May 31st.
- Sailing + STEM Course - Tuesday, July 2nd, 9:00am - 4:00pm - This is a one-day course. It is the same course that was offered on May 30th.
- Racing Rules & Skills Course - Wednesday, July 3rd, 9:00am - 4:00pm - This is a one-day course. It is the same course that was offered on May 29th.
- End-of-Season Review and Reflection
- It's time to celebrate! :)
- It's time to relax! :)